ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND THE BLESSING OF OILS His Eminence has designated Friday, June 26 at 9:00 AM as the day for the ordination of the class of 2020. Those to be ordained are Reverend Mr. Luis Silva for the archdiocese and Reverend Brother Roland Pereira, M.Id for the Idente Missionaries. Pray for these ordinandi.
There will be no Chrism Mass which was postponed from Holy Week. So, at 8:30am, on June 26 the Cardinal will bless the oils and consecrate the chrism. All of this will be live streamed.
Please add this date to your calendars. EXTRAORDINARY RECONCILIATION FRIDAY Sometime in mid-June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Heart On Fire with Mercy, Cardinal Dolan would like to offer our people the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation as the return to Sunday Mass becomes imminent, perhaps on the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 19. In early Fall, there will be two additional events in mind: a memorial Mass for all who have died during the pandemic; and an ecumenical service for the heroic witness that medical and emergency professionals have given.
In compliance with the New York State Re-opening Plan, there are 4 phases for re-opening operations which our parish operations must follow.
Phase I consists of construction, manufacturing and wholesale businesses. Phase II includes professional offices, which would include parish offices. As of this date, no region within the archdiocese is in Phase II.
Parishes in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties of the Hudson Valley currently in phase I of the state's re-opening plan. Guidance from the state indicates that some or all of the counties in this area may enter phase II within the next week.
The Faith Forward plan delineated five levels for the gradual resumption of religious services within the archdiocese. At present, level I (access to church for personal prayer only) is in place throughout the archdiocese and will remain so until further notice from Cardinal Dolan.
God bless all of you and keep you safe.