
Offering the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus

07-06-2020From the desk of Fr. Villa

July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of our Lord. It is a wonderful practice of offering the Precious Blood:

One of the best means of participating in the graces and blessings of the Precious Blood is to offer It to the Eternal Father. “An offering,” says Father Faber, is “more than a prayer.” In prayer, we are the recipients, but when we make an offering, God vouchsafes to accept something from us. St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, when in ecstasy, once exclaimed: “Every time a creature offers up the Blood by which he was redeemed, he offers a gift of infinite worth, which can be equaled by no other.” God revealed the practice of making this offering to this Saintly Carmelite nun when He complained to her that so little effort is made in this world to disarm His Divine justice against sinners. Acting upon this admonition, she daily offered the Precious Blood fifty times for the living and the dead. She did this with so much fervor that God showed her on different occasions the numerous souls who had thereby been converted or delivered from Purgatory.

This was referenced from an article at the One Peter Five blog. Read the whole article here: This devotion was also dear to Pope John XXIII. Read his apostolic letter here.

One of the practices Pope John encouraged is praying the Litany of the Precious Blood which can be accessed here.