
From the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York

10-27-2020From the desk of Fr. Villa

Join us in praying the Divine Mercy Novena in these nine days leading up to the election. Tune in live on Facebook to pray with us on the last day, Nov. 3rd, at 3:00PM.

Other Ways to Pray

  1. Liturgy suggestions leading up to an election
  2. Nine Ways to Pray as a Faithful Citizen

Prayer Before an Election

Most Holy Trinity, source of all goodness, truth and beauty, we entrust our nation and the hearts of all people to You. Bring clarity and truth where there is confusion in our culture. In the Name of Jesus, we ask for the conversion of those who perpetrate sins against human life, especially those seeking public office. Overthrow, at last, by Your power, the scourge of abortion in our land and usher in a new era of protection for the unborn. Make our society one of true freedom, justice, and reverence for all people including the poor, the elderly and the marginalized. Defend the Church from all attacks against her and strengthen the faith of Your children. Give us courage to be authentic witnesses in the living of the Gospel. Dispel all fear and give us great trust in Your sovereignty. Amen. 

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, patron of our nation, pray for us.

All saints of America, pray for us.