
Ideology of Gender as “Secular-Religion”

05-07-2023From the desk of Fr. Villa

Gender-ideology is the fastest growing “religion” in this country. Like many religions, its “theology” involves a transformation: the moment in which a person transforms from one gender to another. Converts to this faith abandon their old lives and embrace a whole new one: their previous identities no longer exist. They are dead names. They believe that they themselves are a god with the power to control nature and, if you think about it, this should be cause for concern because it is a recipe for extremism. People who believe they are a god tend sometimes to react very badly when told that they are not. There is no greater mental illusion than the illusion of being a god, and this is exactly what this ideology teaches its followers: you are a god, you can change nature with your will and thinking.

Gender-ideology is the fastest growing “religion” in this country. Like many religions, its “theology” involves a transformation: the moment in which a person transforms from one gender to another. Converts to this faith abandon their old lives and embrace a whole new one: their previous identities no longer exist. They are dead names. They believe that they themselves are a god with the power to control nature and, if you think about it, this should be cause for concern because it is a recipe for extremism. People who believe they are a god tend sometimes to react very badly when told that they are not. There is no greater mental illusion than the illusion of being a god, and this is exactly what this ideology teaches its followers: you are a god, you can change nature with your will and thinking.

People were entertained by the musical The Music Man years ago. The story is about a con-man posing to be a professor of music. He promises unsuspecting citizens of River City, Iowa to put together a boys-band, selling them band instruments, instruction books and uniforms. The kicker is that “Professor Harold Hill” can’t read music, let alone teach it! He shares his new and innovative method, “The Think System”. He says that all the kids need to do is think about the music, and they’ll eventually be able to play it. Of course this was fiction. The ideology of gender claims the think-it system works for gender and changes reality! Professor Hill was a con-man. The ideology is based on a different con that you can cancel creation and God the Creator and through totalitarian power reality is changed. Dissenters who point out that you don’t have this power have to be canceled. However, when you make war on reality, reality always wins, because human beings are not gods and never will be. Christianity on the other hand, through and with Christ and His sacraments transform the believer to be godlike by sharing His nature not in rebellion against Him but in loving Him with, through, and in His Son.

The current term “gaslighting” has the following definition: Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity and their gender. Over time, a gaslighter’s manipulations can grow more complex and potent, making it increasingly difficult for the victim to see the truth. The film, from which this term comes, called Gaslight is based on a play with the same name by Patrick Hamilton. A husband tries to convince his wife she is going insane based on his fictional-narrative hoping she will believe it.

The ideology of gender is part of a larger mentality of revolution: The Revolution is first a certain philosophy and conception of the world. It is the political realization of naturalism. We can define it as such: “The Revolution is a set of doctrines and actions which want to replace the natural order of things and the natural order of societies wanted by the Creator in the civil, political and social institutions, by an organization elaborated by men themselves, and for that reason, in perpetual change.” (emphasis added)

According to the revolutionaries themselves, the Revolution is universal and permanent:

  • Jacques Alexis Thuriot de la Rozière (1753-1829), deputy in the Estates-General of 1789 and member of the National Convention said : “The Revolution is not only for France; we are accountable for it to the entirety of mankind.”
  • Gracchus Babeuf (1760-1797), precursor of communism said: “The French Revolution is only the forerunner of a greater and more solemn Revolution which will be the last one.”
  • More recently, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, former member of the Socialist Party and founder of the Mouvement des Citoyens (Movement of Citizens) said a few years ago while he was Minister of Defense: “The French Revolution is not really completed and probably will never be.”
  • The fact is that the Revolution didn’t end with Napoleon, who said of himself: “I am the Revolution!” The entire French political life in the XIX century was marked by the battle between the Revolution and the Counter-Revolution.

Today this battle seems to have eased, but it is not finished. It still embraces the West and other parts of the world. It is the continuing Original Sin in human beings. See