We confess O Christ that You are the King of the ages That You are the nations’ King that You are the sole Ruler of minds and Hearts. The wicked mob cries out: ”We do not want Christ to reign over us.
In our own time, there are abundant manifestations of this rebellious spirit. We find acts of hatred and indifference in literature, in the arts, in science, in family life ... One can almost hear the defiant shout: Nolumus hunc regnare super nos! We do not want this man to reign over us!
READ MOREAt the end they will examine you about love, learn to love God as He desires to be loved, and leave your present condition. St. John of the Cross
"A la tarde te examinarán en el amor. Aprende a amar como Dios quiere ser amado y deja tu condición" Dichos #59
READ MOREThe Transhumanism in the Middle of the "Gender Identity" Living Room “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” — Edward L. Bernays
READ MOREJustice and Mercy Meet
NOTE: Funeral Masses are NOT celebrations of the life of the deceased, one long eulogy! The funeral Mass is the application of the mercy of Christ’s crucifixion death, and resurrection to the deceased in the afterlife if he/she is in need of purification of their love for God.
READ MOREBelief in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist goes to the heart of the Catholic Faith. The headline-above reflects the results of a Pew Research Study a few years ago and a more recent study conducted by Public Opinion Strategies. The latter is the largest survey of Catholics conducted in the U.S. 79% of those surveyed go to the Ordinary Mass. The survey provided remedies for addressing this unbelief:
READ MOREReminder: Vote to protect parental rights. Prop 1 is a dishonest attempt to overturn parental rights in raising their children to force gender ideology on the State of New York and children regardless of parental rights not to mention allowing biological males in women’s locker rooms and bathrooms and the destruction of women’s sports. It is packaged as an anti-discrimination measure hoping that people without reading the whole text will check yes because they are against discrimination. There are already laws federal and state against racial, religious, and other forms of unjust discrimination. VOTE NO ON PROP 1 when you vote to protect parental rights, religious freedom, and human life. The Church teaches that sex is assigned at conception. Gender confusion is a psychological issue which should be treated with compassion and understanding but also with the truth.
READ MOREThe threat of abortion remains our pre-eminent priority because it directly attacks our most vulnerable and voiceless brothers and sisters and destroys more than a million lives per year in our country alone. Introductory Note, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the Bishops Conference of the United States - https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful-citizenship/forming-consciences-for-faithful-citizenship-title
READ MOREOther matters may be relevant, but a present-day Catholic citizen should never place issues of lesser importance at the same level of "the three non-negotiables": As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the principal focus of her interventions in the public arena is the protection and promotion of the dignity of the person, and she is thereby consciously drawing particular attention to principles which are not negotiable. Among these the following emerge clearly today:
READ MORESimon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Luke 23:31-32
Jesus Said I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, No One Comes to the Father except through me.
READ MOREProp One is being promoted as a pro-equality initiative. In reality, it is a huge stealth campaign. Those behind Prop One have a very different agenda. Their real goal is to undermine parental rights, eviscerate religious liberty and legalize selective discrimination.
READ MOREIn a flurry of approvals the Holy See through the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has given approvals to two additional apparitions of our Lady and with the death of Sr. Agnes Saragawa age 93, the apparition of our Lady at Akita Japan also should be recalled. The two additional apparitions are referred to as Our Lady of the Rock, Rosa Mystica and Our Lady of Mercy the first in Italy, the second in France.
READ MOREIn a video message accompanying his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis prays that "each of us might listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit." In a press release accompanying the Pope’s video-message, Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., says, “Creation is groaning. Its suffering is caused by humans who were originally its guardian and are now its subjugator”. Concern and care for the environment is one thing the claim of climate change (rising temperatures) caused by humans is another. Commentators tend to claim every extreme weather-event is being caused by human produced climate change. However, if every such event is climate-change, then nothing is climate change and we enter the realm of ideology rather than science.
READ MORERecently an essay appeared by Julio Loredo about the persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua. What follows are some points and information about this persecution and the silence of the Holy See based on a misguided policy with respect to communist governments which Loredo calls “a pact with the devil.” https://www.aldomariavalli.it/2024/08/31/ilnicaragua-e-la-chiesa-perseguitata-il-prezzo-del-patto-coldiavolo/
Parents, by natural-right and Church-teaching, are the primary educators of their children NOT the State or schools.
Proposal Number One is a proposed-amendment to the NY State Constitution. It singles out both age and gender identity and expression; it opens the door for judges to permit minor children to make life-altering decisions about their bodies without any parental approval or notification. It is a ploy to impose gender ideology on children in the schools overriding the rights of parents!