Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Luke 23:31-32
Jesus Said I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, No One Comes to the Father except through me.
READ MOREProp One is being promoted as a pro-equality initiative. In reality, it is a huge stealth campaign. Those behind Prop One have a very different agenda. Their real goal is to undermine parental rights, eviscerate religious liberty and legalize selective discrimination.
READ MOREIn a flurry of approvals the Holy See through the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has given approvals to two additional apparitions of our Lady and with the death of Sr. Agnes Saragawa age 93, the apparition of our Lady at Akita Japan also should be recalled. The two additional apparitions are referred to as Our Lady of the Rock, Rosa Mystica and Our Lady of Mercy the first in Italy, the second in France.
READ MOREIn a video message accompanying his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis prays that "each of us might listen with our hearts to the cry of the earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and climate change, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit." In a press release accompanying the Pope’s video-message, Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., says, “Creation is groaning. Its suffering is caused by humans who were originally its guardian and are now its subjugator”. Concern and care for the environment is one thing the claim of climate change (rising temperatures) caused by humans is another. Commentators tend to claim every extreme weather-event is being caused by human produced climate change. However, if every such event is climate-change, then nothing is climate change and we enter the realm of ideology rather than science.
READ MORERecently an essay appeared by Julio Loredo about the persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua. What follows are some points and information about this persecution and the silence of the Holy See based on a misguided policy with respect to communist governments which Loredo calls “a pact with the devil.”
Parents, by natural-right and Church-teaching, are the primary educators of their children NOT the State or schools.
Proposal Number One is a proposed-amendment to the NY State Constitution. It singles out both age and gender identity and expression; it opens the door for judges to permit minor children to make life-altering decisions about their bodies without any parental approval or notification. It is a ploy to impose gender ideology on children in the schools overriding the rights of parents!
READ MORE“Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist” Communism is intrinsically wrong. Pope Pius XI
READ MOREThe Catholic Conference represents the bishops of New York state in public policy matters.
READ MORE“Gender is a term that refers to the psychological and cultural characteristics associated with biological sex. It is a psychological concept… Gender identity refers to an individual’s awareness of being male or female, referred to as an individual’s ‘experienced gender’” (American College of Pediatricians, 2018).
READ MORESt Thomas Aquinas reminds us that religion has as its object the honor, reverence, and worship due to God. Religion is the chief of the moral virtues because its acts are directed immediately to God’s honor and glory, Do not be afraid to give your time to Christ. Yes, let us open our time to Christ, that he may cast light upon it and give it direction. He is the One who knows the secret of time and the secret of eternity, and he gives us “his day” as an ever new gift of his love.
READ MOREWe don't live in a carefree society. Our lives are really part of a merciless struggle against infernal powers, all the more dangerous because they are invisible and all the more powerful because they effectively influence a certain number of people. The Word of God teaches us this through the mouth of Saint Paul: "We do not have to fight (only) against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of this dark world, against the evil spirits that are in the air" (Eph. 6:12).
READ MOREAnd, I rejoice to say, to one great mischief I have from the first opposed myself. For thirty, forty, fifty years I have resisted to the best of my powers the spirit of liberalism in religion….The Biglietto-Speech St John Henry Newman
Liberalism in religion is the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion, but that one creed is as good as another, and this is the teaching which is gaining substance and force daily. It is inconsistent with any recognition of any religion, as true. It teaches that all are to be tolerated, for all are matters of opinion. Revealed religion is not a truth, but a sentiment and a taste; not an objective fact, not miraculous; and it is the right of each individual to make it say just what strikes his fancy….
READ MOREAt the checkout-line at Acme’s a worker asked was candidate Donald Trump a providential figure given his hair-breath escape from an assassin’s bullet? The quick answer is that everyone’s life, the length of one’s life is governed by God’s Providence. God is also the Lord of history and intervenes as He wills, according to His Providence. Did the check-out worker mean: is God using Donald Trump for a special task? Is he a providential figure for the U.S. and the world?
READ MORE…one of the soldiers opened his side with a spear; and immediately blood and water flowed out. John 19:34
Leon Gautier famously defined Chivalry as “the Christian form of the military profession: the knight is the Christian soldier.” Precisely because the Germanic warrior ethos was Christianised, chivalry was more than a code of martial virtue. As Michael Warren Davis has pointed out, it became, so to speak, the “lay spirituality” of Medieval Europe….
READ MORE“I can laugh When things ain't funny A haha-happy-go-lucky me” Paul Evans 1960
He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn; the Lord shall have them in derision Psalm 2:4 Sung in Handel’s Messiah Part 2 (Tenor Recitative)
At the website of the famous Vatican commentator (Vaticanista), Sandro Magister there was a letter from a distinguished scholar of the Fathers of the Church, Leonardo Lugaresi, concerning the papal audience with comedians. Here it is edited:
READ MOREMuch ink has been spilled about Ruth Bader Ginsberg as a model and heroine, especially for women, if not a “secular saint.” She was a fervent supporter of Planned Parenthood (originally called The Birth-Control League) and abortion despite Planned Parenthood’s racist past.